Electrosynthesis of poly(N-phenylpyrrole) /helical carbon nanotubes fiber for head-space solid-phase microextraction of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers

Document Type : Research paper


Department of Mining Engineering, High Education of Complex of Zarand, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Zarand, Iran


Objective: Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) are a group of volatile aromatic compounds of great environmental significance. They are used as solvents and intermediates in industrial products. These compounds have endocrine disrupting properties and can be caused cancer. In the present research, poly(N-phenylpyrrole) nanocomposite reinforced with modified helical carbon nanotubes was prepared by electrochemical method at potentiostatic mode on stainless steel wire and used as a new coating in head-space solid-phase microextraction of BTEX compounds.
Materials and methods: In order to improve the properties of helical carbon nanotubes, first the nanohelices are functionalized by a mixture of strong acids and then the effective items in the coating preparation process, including the amount of applied potential, the electrodeposition time, the concentration of monomer (N-phenylpyrrole) and the amount of functionalized helical carbon nanotubes were evaluated and optimized. Then characterization was done to confirm the coating synthesis by FT-IR analysis, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and thermal analysis (TGA). The significant parameters in head-space solid-phase microextraction such as desorption temperature and time, Extraction temperature and time, and ionic strength of the sample solution were investigated.
Results: Under the obtained optimal conditions, the figures of merit of the method were measured with gas chromatography equipped with mass spectrometer detector. The calibration curve for benzene and ortho-xylene was obtained in the range of 0.1-500 ng mL-1 and for the others in the range of 0.5-500 ng mL-1 with an acceptable correlation coefficient. The highest and the lowest detection limits of this method were calculated as 0.05 ng mL-1 and 0.01 ng mL-1 for ortho-xylene and benzene, respectively. The intra-day repeatability of the method was in the range of 4.2-6.6%, the inter-day repeatability at several consecutive days was in the range of 5.3-8.7%, and the fiber-to-fiber reproducibility was in the range of 6.5-10.2%.
Conclusions: In order to investigate the applicability of the method in determination of BTEX, an effluent sample of Zarand Coal Processing Industries, two samples of agricultural water from the vicinity of Zarand Coal Processing Industries and Zarand Coking and Tar Refining Industry and a sample of drinking water of Zarand city were analyzed. The obtained results for the drinking water of Zarand city were more than the optimal level in drinking water (in accordance with the national standard 1035), but fortunately, it was less than the permissible  limit.


Main Subjects

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