A New Step in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Separation Process by using a Divided Wall Distillation Column

Document Type : Research paper


1 Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman

2 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman,, Kerman, Iran

3 Department of Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran


Designing a sustainable and economic distillation system is a major global challenge in the chemical industry . As a new generation of distillation columns , Divided Wall Columns have attracted a lot of attention with advantages such as reducing energy consumption and occupying less space . This research aims to investigate and simulate the performance of the Divided Wall Column for the Liquefied Petroleum Gas separation process in order to improve efficiency , increase purity and recover more products . In this regard, first, by using a shortcut method based on valid articles , initial values such as the number of trays and the flow rate of the incoming and outgoing flows are estimated for each part of the column.Then , the efficiency of these initial values has been validated by detailed simulation in Aspen Plus software . The simulation results show that the use of the Divided Wall Column instead of the two De - ethanizer and De - propanizer columns in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas separation process will bring about 35% energy savings. This significant savings will be a valuable achievement from an economic point of view. In addition, the number of reboilers, condensers, return pumps and heat exchangers will also be reduced. Also, the use of the Divided Wall Column leads to an increase in the purity of ethane from 0.49 to 0.74 and a 25% increase in propane recovery. This indicates the high efficiency of this type of column in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas separation process.


Main Subjects

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